
So what exactly does a bearded nomad and a kale-loving health and nutrition coach have in common?

We want to create real content about life, health, and happiness mixed with light-hearted humor and a can-do attitude that engages viewers. We want to present these hard to swallow topics in the form of a fun, thought-provoking and easily digestible web series. We’re setting out to tackle the deep questions about life, health and happiness from health book authors, punk rockers, and everyone in-between.

The purpose of the show is to create content that matters and to help shift viewers perception of themselves, their communities, and the world they live in on a show-to-show basis. We want to find out how people living their personal freedom in every kind of way are making positive changes in their lives and how that change is transferred to the communities they live in and in turn, the world. We hope to show that simple health shifts, kindness and positivity can make a difference in our communities and we hope to inspire our viewers to be a part of it.

Our inspiration comes from the fact that despite our very different lives, we share a strong belief in the value of personal freedom in health and well-being that stems further than just kale and self-help books. Jon is an adventurer who travels most of the time with just a camera and a pair of clothes, while Lindsey spends her time drinking organic herbal teas and writing books. Living free and happy lives may take very different forms for each of us, but what we more importantly have in common is a desire to help others create positive change in their lives. We believe that these positive personal health and lifestyle changes, big and small, are what create a ripple effect that can transform people, communities, and the world.

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